We recently had the total pleasure of sitting down with Tony Foster, Elite Pubs’ mural painter. Tony has made his mark on all of our pubs including our newest addition, The Wishful Thinker.
Each and very piece is totally unique and we couldn’t wait to find out more about Tony’s artistic processes.
Please tell us a little more about your role within Elite Pubs

Please tell us a little more about your role within Elite Pubs
What is your favourite mural with elite

What is your favourite mural with elite
There have been so many paintings, I should really revisit them all to decide which is my favourite. I think some murals work well in their setting and others just have a personal appeal to me. It can be very subjective. The large potting shed mural had always been a favourite, working well in its space, not too strong to impose itself but just right to work as a backdrop for diners.
Please talk about your experience as an artist

Please talk about your experience as an artist
What's your artistic process when creating art

What's your artistic process when creating art
The creative process begins with a brief from the client. Sometimes the client is not too sure exactly what they want and it’s up to me to produce a range of sketched ideas. I used to spend hours in libraries researching a particular theme but these days I can sit with my laptop and a mug of tea. Once the client is happy with a finished drawing, the colours and size etc I generally project the sketch in situ to help find the best position. I always like to transfer as much from the sketch as possible as I feel it contains all the energy.
how long does it typically take?

how long does it typically take?
Timing on murals will change depending on the amount of detail and the scale. I am very critical of my work and there’s also the danger of going back to fiddle and sometimes not always for the better.
What's been your favourite project so far?

What's been your favourite project so far?
So far I’d say that the Wishful Thinker has been a real stand out job for me. A giant dandelion out side, many interior murals including one per bedroom, individual artworks on wooden boards and free hand signage. I was pleased with the end result and one favourite would be the sleeping dog above the fire place.
Any advice for anyone looking to become a professional artist?

Any advice for anyone looking to become a professional artist?
The life of a freelance artist can be difficult particulalry financially as there are no guarantees of security. That said, if you are confident in your ability and you’re happy to talk to new people, you can develop a reputation and contacts who will keep coming back to you. I have been prepared to take on anything remotely creative when things have got quiet.
For one year I worked as a wood work instructor with people with learning difficulties, one of the best things I’ve ever done and I’d thoroughly recommend it to any body as a life skill. Things will always get quiet along the way but honestly there’s always something just around the corner and it’s good to make make the most of those quiet times, practicing life drawing, developing a website, diy etc.
What's your favourite elite dish?

What's your favourite elite dish?
I haven’t got one favourite Elite dish, I like them all and it depends very much on my mood. I do love good company, good food and a glass of red wine, perhaps that comes from my Italian mother.